How to Keep Your Team Energized: Interview with Laura Spawn

  • Updated
  • 1 min read
Joanna Zambas
Joanna Zambas

Content Manager and Career Expert

Reviewed by Hayley Ramsey

Interview with Laura Spawn giving tips on how to keep your team energized

With many remote teams remaining after the post-pandemic effect, we wanted to gain some insight on how to keep a virtual team energized throughout the year. So, we sat down with Virtual Vocations CEO and co-founder Laura Spawn, who gave some tips on how she has managed her remote team since launching in 2008.

Laura begins her interview by explaining how she keeps her remote team energized. She allows cross-training, where employees can work across different departments to develop new skills. She also hosts bi-weekly meetings with her team to catch up and discuss projects.

Their primary method of communication across the company is via Slack — she calls it their “virtual office”. Employees are also encouraged to share personal comments, recipes and memes to build a team bond virtually.

In terms of management, they use a flat structure where they have very few layers of management so they can interact with all coworkers to make them feel valued and heard. This management style also brings different perspectives and input, which has improved their overall success.

Laura advises to regularly check-in with team members, offer flexibility and autonomy, and encourage employees to take time off on a regular basis. She wants all employees to feel rested and enthused.

At virtual vocations, the management team recognizes good efforts and value transparency. She wants her team to be able to talk on a work level and personal level to build meaningful relationships.

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